Saturday, July 22, 2006
I KNEW my mother had been quiet for too long
I hadn't heard from my mother since we took her out for a belated Mother's Day dinner before one of her chemo sessions (over 2 months ago); as I've said before, unlike most people with cancer (stage 3 breast cancer, for the benefit of new readers), she hasn't shown any urge to clutch tighter to her family... in fact, we've been hearing LESS from her since she was diagnosed, which in general is fine with me (there's no love or even like lost between us), but at this juncture means that I periodically get blind-sided with a bunch of major news at once. Here's what I learned today:
1) In part because she "flunked her blood tests" twice and couldn't keep up the optimal flow of chemo, her tumor, which had at one point gotten so small that you had to feel around for it, started growing explosively; it's already back up to 2 cm.
2) With chemo now worthless, the next step is to remove the tumor; if it reaches 3 cm again she'll be unable to have the lumpectomy and would lose that breast, AND would have to have a skin graft, so the surgery has to be done right away. They originally tried to tell her that August 8th was the earliest day they could take her, but she refused to accept that, since at the rate the tumor's growing that could easily be too long a wait; for once in her life she used that big mouth of hers for a good purpose, and made a stink about it until they discovered miraculously that they could take her on Tuesday... yes, this coming Tuesday.
3) My aunt and uncle told her out of the blue (but over a week ago, it turns out, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) that they're flying out here the day of her surgery, with the intention of staying at least 2 weeks. Not that I won't be happy to see them, as they're among my better relatives, BUT:
a) Since I live close to my mother's house, where they'll be staying, they'll of course expect to be coming over to MY house.
b) Said house, having had no visitors since January, has reached the level of maximum clutter and filth (my husband refuses to clean any of his mess except for company, and I refuse to be his maid); in particular, my beige carpet is BLACK in the traffic areas (because my husband never wipes his feet), which means we have to do the Rug Doctor this weekend, starting as soon as we're up TOMORROW.
c) So, when I got off the phone with my mother at nearly midnight, we had to shrug off our exhaustion and start a frenzied cleanup of all the piles of junk on the carpet so that it can be vacuumed and ready to go as soon as possible on Saturday.
4) She'd been trying to get a call through since early yesterday to tell me the news, but had been getting "weird noises" and been hung up on either without the answering machine coming on or with it only partway through the outgoing message.
a) That's right; we could've had all of yesterday and today's evenings to be cleaning up if she could've gotten through.
b) And WHY couldn't she get through? If you're a regular, you know that my husband's to blame; he'd used one of our computers to send a fax and had never quit out of the program, so it was answering the phone, sometimes right away and sometimes shortly after the machine picked up... 2 crucial days LOST because he's too STUPID to turn things off once he's done with them.
5) Oh, and brace yourself for this one; the living will, which would include all the medical instructions and guidelines we might need if something goes wrong, and that she agreed over 6 MONTHS ago had to be done right away, never got done. I made it clear that it was grossly unfair to leave her sister and I with no clue as to her wishes, and possibly with conflicting ideas as to what should be done (what are we supposed to do, flip a coin?), and told her to make time to do it over the weekend... but she probably won't, of course.
As you can imagine, between the fast-approaching surgery and the explosive squaring away of my home required by the equally fast-approaching arrival of relatives (which could be interrupted at any time if we have to go help my mother clean HER house and set it up for guests), my stress level is sky-high; as always under circumstances like these, my husband took the earliest opportunity to be as much of an @sshole as possible... which is about as wise as poking an enraged and unchained Rottweiler with a stick, but he hasn't got a shred of common sense to his name. He had a headset on with noxious punk music blasting into it, he was standing by the loudly filling washing machine, the TV was on and the air conditioner was running, so naturally it was necessary for me to raise my voice somewhat for him to be able to hear the instructions I was giving him about the pile of junk that he was moving to a different spot on the floor rather than picking up; he looked at me, with my neck cords and eyeballs bulging from blood pressure that felt like it was nearing quadruple digits, and decided it was necessary to incite the following exchange:
Him: {with a snide tone} Scream, scream, scream.
Me: {with eyes beginning to turn into flames} You'd better not start in with the disrespectful commentary; you know perfectly well that you're incapable of cleaning up without step by step instructions, so pay attention.
Him: You've got to scream about everything.
Me: Shut up!! If you haven't got anything constructive to say about the task at hand, keep your lip buttoned.
Him: You...
Him: {suddenly forgot all of his smart-@ss comments}
Just ONCE, I'd like to be able to dive into a cleanup, work briskly through it and finish it up without having to rave like a maniac; sadly, my many years with my husband have taught me that he'll continue lipping off and otherwise acting like a sullen 13 year old until he has that reminder of what happens when he plays the "let's mess with her when she's stressed" game.
Anyways; on behalf of my mother, if you'd send out some "get through surgery alive and have clean lymph nodes" type thoughts in whatever form your religion or spiritual path dictates, that'd make her happy... she liked the idea that I'd be posting about her and people all over the world would wish her well.
Because family members that I haven't seen in years will be here, and we'll be spending alot of our limited free time with them, my blogging schedule might get messed up, and/or some of my entries might be tiny ones made largely to keep my toe in the water; this won't be the end of the world or anything, but I figured I should let my regulars know in advance.
This is gonna be a loooooooooooong weekend...
1) In part because she "flunked her blood tests" twice and couldn't keep up the optimal flow of chemo, her tumor, which had at one point gotten so small that you had to feel around for it, started growing explosively; it's already back up to 2 cm.
2) With chemo now worthless, the next step is to remove the tumor; if it reaches 3 cm again she'll be unable to have the lumpectomy and would lose that breast, AND would have to have a skin graft, so the surgery has to be done right away. They originally tried to tell her that August 8th was the earliest day they could take her, but she refused to accept that, since at the rate the tumor's growing that could easily be too long a wait; for once in her life she used that big mouth of hers for a good purpose, and made a stink about it until they discovered miraculously that they could take her on Tuesday... yes, this coming Tuesday.
3) My aunt and uncle told her out of the blue (but over a week ago, it turns out, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) that they're flying out here the day of her surgery, with the intention of staying at least 2 weeks. Not that I won't be happy to see them, as they're among my better relatives, BUT:
a) Since I live close to my mother's house, where they'll be staying, they'll of course expect to be coming over to MY house.
b) Said house, having had no visitors since January, has reached the level of maximum clutter and filth (my husband refuses to clean any of his mess except for company, and I refuse to be his maid); in particular, my beige carpet is BLACK in the traffic areas (because my husband never wipes his feet), which means we have to do the Rug Doctor this weekend, starting as soon as we're up TOMORROW.
c) So, when I got off the phone with my mother at nearly midnight, we had to shrug off our exhaustion and start a frenzied cleanup of all the piles of junk on the carpet so that it can be vacuumed and ready to go as soon as possible on Saturday.
4) She'd been trying to get a call through since early yesterday to tell me the news, but had been getting "weird noises" and been hung up on either without the answering machine coming on or with it only partway through the outgoing message.
a) That's right; we could've had all of yesterday and today's evenings to be cleaning up if she could've gotten through.
b) And WHY couldn't she get through? If you're a regular, you know that my husband's to blame; he'd used one of our computers to send a fax and had never quit out of the program, so it was answering the phone, sometimes right away and sometimes shortly after the machine picked up... 2 crucial days LOST because he's too STUPID to turn things off once he's done with them.
5) Oh, and brace yourself for this one; the living will, which would include all the medical instructions and guidelines we might need if something goes wrong, and that she agreed over 6 MONTHS ago had to be done right away, never got done. I made it clear that it was grossly unfair to leave her sister and I with no clue as to her wishes, and possibly with conflicting ideas as to what should be done (what are we supposed to do, flip a coin?), and told her to make time to do it over the weekend... but she probably won't, of course.
As you can imagine, between the fast-approaching surgery and the explosive squaring away of my home required by the equally fast-approaching arrival of relatives (which could be interrupted at any time if we have to go help my mother clean HER house and set it up for guests), my stress level is sky-high; as always under circumstances like these, my husband took the earliest opportunity to be as much of an @sshole as possible... which is about as wise as poking an enraged and unchained Rottweiler with a stick, but he hasn't got a shred of common sense to his name. He had a headset on with noxious punk music blasting into it, he was standing by the loudly filling washing machine, the TV was on and the air conditioner was running, so naturally it was necessary for me to raise my voice somewhat for him to be able to hear the instructions I was giving him about the pile of junk that he was moving to a different spot on the floor rather than picking up; he looked at me, with my neck cords and eyeballs bulging from blood pressure that felt like it was nearing quadruple digits, and decided it was necessary to incite the following exchange:
Him: {with a snide tone} Scream, scream, scream.
Me: {with eyes beginning to turn into flames} You'd better not start in with the disrespectful commentary; you know perfectly well that you're incapable of cleaning up without step by step instructions, so pay attention.
Him: You've got to scream about everything.
Me: Shut up!! If you haven't got anything constructive to say about the task at hand, keep your lip buttoned.
Him: You...
Him: {suddenly forgot all of his smart-@ss comments}
Just ONCE, I'd like to be able to dive into a cleanup, work briskly through it and finish it up without having to rave like a maniac; sadly, my many years with my husband have taught me that he'll continue lipping off and otherwise acting like a sullen 13 year old until he has that reminder of what happens when he plays the "let's mess with her when she's stressed" game.
Anyways; on behalf of my mother, if you'd send out some "get through surgery alive and have clean lymph nodes" type thoughts in whatever form your religion or spiritual path dictates, that'd make her happy... she liked the idea that I'd be posting about her and people all over the world would wish her well.
Because family members that I haven't seen in years will be here, and we'll be spending alot of our limited free time with them, my blogging schedule might get messed up, and/or some of my entries might be tiny ones made largely to keep my toe in the water; this won't be the end of the world or anything, but I figured I should let my regulars know in advance.
This is gonna be a loooooooooooong weekend...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Enough already with the heavy posts
Since my recent posts have all been on the serious and intense side (not to mention longer than usual, which means alot on THIS blog), I figured it was time to share some more light-hearted stuff with you:
I saw the wildest thing on Showtime, called "Mail Order Wife," the blurb for which was "A filmmaker documents the lives of a chubby doorman and his mail-order bride from Burma"; my advice is for you to not only watch this (rent it if you don't get Showtime), but to do so withOUT seeking any further information on it... the joy of it is in the unexpected things that happen, and you'll spoil it for yourself if you cheat and look it up. It starts off a little slow, but stick with it, because it really gets good and stays solid to the end.
How's your knowledge of American history? You don't normally get anything for remembering that stuff, but now there's an exception; a site where, if you can answer questions on this topic correctly, you can get a hot "teacher" of your gender of choice to strip (all the way down to FULL FRONTAL NUDITY, so if you don't like that don't visit the site), and at least in the case of the male option it's worth a look-see:
Don't feel bad if it takes you a few tries to "win"; some of those later questions are VERY obscure... but the payoff was, er, BIG.
If you're the patriotic type, or at least support our military, you can go here
a wonderful site funded by Xerox with the following purpose:
"The mission of Let's Say Thanks is to provide a way for individuals across the country to recognize U.S. soldiers stationed overseas. By submitting a message through this site you will send a free personalized postcard greeting to a deployed soldier.
The postcards, depicting patriotic scenes and hometown images, were selected from a pool of entries from children across the country.
All you have to do is click on your favorite design and write a personal message to a soldier. The postcards are then printed on the Xerox iGen3® Digital Production Press and mailed in care packages by military support organization Give2TheTroops®."
It only takes a couple of minutes, and it'd mean so much to the recipient, so I encourage you to give it a go; if you're the kind of person that'd think it was clever and amusing to send a nasty message, be aware that they specify that all cards are checked before they're used.
If you have a budding artist aged 6-14, they can submit their artwork to possibly be used for future cards; imagine being able to tell everyone you know that your child/grandchild's artwork is featured on a website and going overseas to exotic countries.
I KNOW that today isn't a slow news day, so can anyone explain the media hysteria that Bush, a grown man, said "sh*t" in what he thought was a private conversation with another grown man? Are we a nation of 5 year olds sniggering at every "dirty word"? I went to looking for the latest on the awful Israel/Lebanon situation, and found the front page dominated by a huge photo capture from the clip that includes Bush saying a word every one of us uses (as part of a conversation in which he demonstrated that he's VERY well informed on the issues, by the way, contrary to the claims of many); if the POPE had been caught saying it, that might have been vaguely newsworthy, but any adult not supposed to be an exalted religious personage should reasonably be EXPECTED to use curse words, especially when discussing an emotionally-charged issue... and seeing this made a far bigger deal of than the violence in the Mideast, and having to really LOOK to find the story on the tsunami that's killed at least 300 people in Indonesia... I guess that doesn't really count as "light-hearted," it's more like "you've gotta either laugh or cry," but I wanted to comment on it while it's still timely to do so.
What would you do if someone sold you a laptop on eBay, and it arrived broken... and with all the seller's private files still on it, including his foot fetish porn? If you were a resourceful and vengeful sort, you might do something like this
I'm not a novice, so I'm aware that, since there's no proof, there's no reason to believe that what's on that site is what it claims to be... but if you suspend your disbelief, you'll find it hilarious, because it COULD happen, someone COULD sell a used computer without remembering to wipe all their personal stuff off of it, and the recipient COULD do something just like this with it. And if it IS true? About 3 and a half MILLION people have had a laugh at the dishonest seller's expense; can you imagine his reaction if he ever stumbled across that site?
My tax return FINALLY went out today, on the last day allowed by the extension; if you're a regular reader, you've probably guessed that bungling by my husband is behind this disaster. We've got a complicated return because of our investments, and he's secretive about his (because he doesn't want me to see how stupidly he manages them), so HE has to do our taxes; with total consistency, he waits until the last possible instant to do them. This year, we discovered on April 17th that the tax form from one of his brokers was missing (I try to grab as many of his tax forms as possible, but he tends to sort his statements and such out from the mail and toss them, UNopened, to the 4 corners of his study), so we had to get an extension... and I made my displeasure known, believe me. All we needed to finish the taxes was ONE # from the missing form; he SWORE that he'd get that one #, or a copy of the form it was on, right away, and petulantly criticized my assertion that he was going to drag it out for the full 3 months of the extension. Three months minus a few days of non-stop verbal and written reminders later, you guessed it... no #, no form. When he started commenting that it wasn't an emergency because we could get ANOTHER extension over this ONE #, I went into overdrive, and believe me, you do NOT want to be at ground zero when I've officially "had enough"; with great reluctance and ill grace, he FINALLY got the # and got going on the taxes.
Every year, there are at least 3 glaring, major errors in the tax forms once he's completed them, assembled them and announced that he's gone over everything 100 times. This year, they were:
1) He hadn't attached the W2's, because allegedly you didn't have to last year; it said to attach them on the cover letter TurboTax prints out, on the front page of the 1040, and almost certainly on the computer screen during the TurboTax process, but somehow he'd missed all of that... that's why I go over the returns with a microscope every year. This error, although HUGE, should have been trivial to rectify, but of course the W2's were NOT with the other tax paperwork (I should NEVER have let him keep custody of that stuff all these months); a frenzied and protracted search ensued to locate them.
2) While shuffling aimlessly through one of his heaps of papers to procrastinate from doing necessary tasks, he found, purely by accident, the confirmation letter for this year's IRA; it was UNopened as always, but he discovered that that's what it was because he inexplicably opened it... only to find that he'd gotten a Roth IRA rather than the regular kind as he'd somehow convinced himself he had. Because the tax impacts of the different types of IRA's are in fact different, he had to redo the taxes... on the day they were DUE, keep in mind.
3) When he was forced to admit to this as the reason I had to sign the returns again, I, with intuition based on my many years with him, asked "But you DID enter MY IRA as a Roth, right?"
Him: No, because your IRA's NOT a Roth.
Me: Yes it IS, you MORON.
Him: No it's NOT.
Me: Yes it IS, just like EVERY year.
Him: No, your IRA's have NEVER been Roths.
Me: Are you out of your frigging MIND?
Him: No, YOU are.
Naturally, my IRA tax form wasn't with the other forms either, grrrrrrrrrrr, so ANOTHER frenzied and protracted search ensued; needless to say, my 2005 IRA, and ALL my others, were of course Roths... and so he had to redo the taxes AGAIN. On the day they were DUE.
As I said before, our tax return DID go out today... but barely, just barely. I've had a GREAT deal to say to my husband about all of this, accented by language that'd make Bush BLUSH (sometimes it comes in handy to have had a military father)... and I've made it clear that there was going to be a blog entry about it, so that people all over the world could see what an incompetent idiot he is.
When you can go through stuff like this with someone and you don't throw them and their junk into the street, and their body doesn't wash up on the beach in pieces, you know it's love, lol.
I saw the wildest thing on Showtime, called "Mail Order Wife," the blurb for which was "A filmmaker documents the lives of a chubby doorman and his mail-order bride from Burma"; my advice is for you to not only watch this (rent it if you don't get Showtime), but to do so withOUT seeking any further information on it... the joy of it is in the unexpected things that happen, and you'll spoil it for yourself if you cheat and look it up. It starts off a little slow, but stick with it, because it really gets good and stays solid to the end.
How's your knowledge of American history? You don't normally get anything for remembering that stuff, but now there's an exception; a site where, if you can answer questions on this topic correctly, you can get a hot "teacher" of your gender of choice to strip (all the way down to FULL FRONTAL NUDITY, so if you don't like that don't visit the site), and at least in the case of the male option it's worth a look-see:
Don't feel bad if it takes you a few tries to "win"; some of those later questions are VERY obscure... but the payoff was, er, BIG.
If you're the patriotic type, or at least support our military, you can go here
a wonderful site funded by Xerox with the following purpose:
"The mission of Let's Say Thanks is to provide a way for individuals across the country to recognize U.S. soldiers stationed overseas. By submitting a message through this site you will send a free personalized postcard greeting to a deployed soldier.
The postcards, depicting patriotic scenes and hometown images, were selected from a pool of entries from children across the country.
All you have to do is click on your favorite design and write a personal message to a soldier. The postcards are then printed on the Xerox iGen3® Digital Production Press and mailed in care packages by military support organization Give2TheTroops®."
It only takes a couple of minutes, and it'd mean so much to the recipient, so I encourage you to give it a go; if you're the kind of person that'd think it was clever and amusing to send a nasty message, be aware that they specify that all cards are checked before they're used.
If you have a budding artist aged 6-14, they can submit their artwork to possibly be used for future cards; imagine being able to tell everyone you know that your child/grandchild's artwork is featured on a website and going overseas to exotic countries.
I KNOW that today isn't a slow news day, so can anyone explain the media hysteria that Bush, a grown man, said "sh*t" in what he thought was a private conversation with another grown man? Are we a nation of 5 year olds sniggering at every "dirty word"? I went to looking for the latest on the awful Israel/Lebanon situation, and found the front page dominated by a huge photo capture from the clip that includes Bush saying a word every one of us uses (as part of a conversation in which he demonstrated that he's VERY well informed on the issues, by the way, contrary to the claims of many); if the POPE had been caught saying it, that might have been vaguely newsworthy, but any adult not supposed to be an exalted religious personage should reasonably be EXPECTED to use curse words, especially when discussing an emotionally-charged issue... and seeing this made a far bigger deal of than the violence in the Mideast, and having to really LOOK to find the story on the tsunami that's killed at least 300 people in Indonesia... I guess that doesn't really count as "light-hearted," it's more like "you've gotta either laugh or cry," but I wanted to comment on it while it's still timely to do so.
What would you do if someone sold you a laptop on eBay, and it arrived broken... and with all the seller's private files still on it, including his foot fetish porn? If you were a resourceful and vengeful sort, you might do something like this
I'm not a novice, so I'm aware that, since there's no proof, there's no reason to believe that what's on that site is what it claims to be... but if you suspend your disbelief, you'll find it hilarious, because it COULD happen, someone COULD sell a used computer without remembering to wipe all their personal stuff off of it, and the recipient COULD do something just like this with it. And if it IS true? About 3 and a half MILLION people have had a laugh at the dishonest seller's expense; can you imagine his reaction if he ever stumbled across that site?
My tax return FINALLY went out today, on the last day allowed by the extension; if you're a regular reader, you've probably guessed that bungling by my husband is behind this disaster. We've got a complicated return because of our investments, and he's secretive about his (because he doesn't want me to see how stupidly he manages them), so HE has to do our taxes; with total consistency, he waits until the last possible instant to do them. This year, we discovered on April 17th that the tax form from one of his brokers was missing (I try to grab as many of his tax forms as possible, but he tends to sort his statements and such out from the mail and toss them, UNopened, to the 4 corners of his study), so we had to get an extension... and I made my displeasure known, believe me. All we needed to finish the taxes was ONE # from the missing form; he SWORE that he'd get that one #, or a copy of the form it was on, right away, and petulantly criticized my assertion that he was going to drag it out for the full 3 months of the extension. Three months minus a few days of non-stop verbal and written reminders later, you guessed it... no #, no form. When he started commenting that it wasn't an emergency because we could get ANOTHER extension over this ONE #, I went into overdrive, and believe me, you do NOT want to be at ground zero when I've officially "had enough"; with great reluctance and ill grace, he FINALLY got the # and got going on the taxes.
Every year, there are at least 3 glaring, major errors in the tax forms once he's completed them, assembled them and announced that he's gone over everything 100 times. This year, they were:
1) He hadn't attached the W2's, because allegedly you didn't have to last year; it said to attach them on the cover letter TurboTax prints out, on the front page of the 1040, and almost certainly on the computer screen during the TurboTax process, but somehow he'd missed all of that... that's why I go over the returns with a microscope every year. This error, although HUGE, should have been trivial to rectify, but of course the W2's were NOT with the other tax paperwork (I should NEVER have let him keep custody of that stuff all these months); a frenzied and protracted search ensued to locate them.
2) While shuffling aimlessly through one of his heaps of papers to procrastinate from doing necessary tasks, he found, purely by accident, the confirmation letter for this year's IRA; it was UNopened as always, but he discovered that that's what it was because he inexplicably opened it... only to find that he'd gotten a Roth IRA rather than the regular kind as he'd somehow convinced himself he had. Because the tax impacts of the different types of IRA's are in fact different, he had to redo the taxes... on the day they were DUE, keep in mind.
3) When he was forced to admit to this as the reason I had to sign the returns again, I, with intuition based on my many years with him, asked "But you DID enter MY IRA as a Roth, right?"
Him: No, because your IRA's NOT a Roth.
Me: Yes it IS, you MORON.
Him: No it's NOT.
Me: Yes it IS, just like EVERY year.
Him: No, your IRA's have NEVER been Roths.
Me: Are you out of your frigging MIND?
Him: No, YOU are.
Naturally, my IRA tax form wasn't with the other forms either, grrrrrrrrrrr, so ANOTHER frenzied and protracted search ensued; needless to say, my 2005 IRA, and ALL my others, were of course Roths... and so he had to redo the taxes AGAIN. On the day they were DUE.
As I said before, our tax return DID go out today... but barely, just barely. I've had a GREAT deal to say to my husband about all of this, accented by language that'd make Bush BLUSH (sometimes it comes in handy to have had a military father)... and I've made it clear that there was going to be a blog entry about it, so that people all over the world could see what an incompetent idiot he is.
When you can go through stuff like this with someone and you don't throw them and their junk into the street, and their body doesn't wash up on the beach in pieces, you know it's love, lol.